Finally something to Post about :) We had our red bone litter last week the day after my birthday, although with this being her first litter and her choosing an opportune time to whelp while we were busy with company she lost all but 4 puppies. These are the"survivors", they are all fat and happy though. This litter has definitely been one of my more interesting experiences! We love them to pieces though, how could you NOT love those wrinkly hound faces!?
ALSO, My amazing husband surprised me with a trip to Chattanooga for the weekend! What a sweet man he is! We had such a good time and enjoyed picking out baby names and getting good chance to talk about what the Lord may be holding for us in the future! Nothing is better than reflection and spiritual revival of even a young marriage :) and taking those opportunities whilst we can! Enjoy!!

and last but not least our pick from the start! the only female left

had to stop here!

at ruby falls!


the falls

lots of war between the states landmarks and museums to see

mr socialite himself ;)

my handsome husband

his trademark picture...

the baby bump!

fresh water sting ray at the aquarium

pretty flowers


the toilet plant!

in the butterfly garden


here fishy fishy

my love! and LOVE his beard

me and the baby :) only 3 months to go

can you tell it was the end of the day?

the only full pic of us from the trip

a great little unexpected stop at the Southern museum in Kennesaw

Hood statue

and of course you all know...NBF fav

jess had to take one with the Banjo!

me and baby with the Calvary exhibit

ladies dress patterns

my next dress! :)

:) thats all folks!!! thanks for watchin, God Bless!
Awww! The puppies are SO adorable!!! Sorry for y'all that so many died. :-( It was partly our fault for keeping y'all over here, right? :-0
I love y'all's trip pictures. Looked like SO much fun, y'all went to all the good places in north Ga. (in my opinion) And the "Bolton family" pictures are the best. :-D Ha! I love the "old" Jess picture, haha! he fits right in. Oh and thanks for the milk cow picture, i sure appreciate it. ;-)
So glad you posted Kelse, we're proud of you! (not like we post, ourselves...) But we always love a Bolton post.
Love y'all,
wow love them red bones!!those carbines very cool to!!
Thanks Laney i thought you might like that! ;) now we just gotta make another trip to the museum with YALL this time :)
and Thanks Josh! well one of those red bones has your name on him ;) just sayin!
Hey Bolton's Love your post...put my name on one of 'em redbones too!
WOW! Only 3 more months...can't wait!
Love y'all
ohhh cute pups and what a fun trip!!! yay for you all! hope the prego mama is fairing well and healthy!
God bless~
Hey Kelsey,
Adorable puppies, so glad I got to see them yesterday!(and y'all;)
I loved the pictures of y'all and y'all's awesome truck.
Love y'all a whole bunch, and see ya!
Your puppies are very cute! wish I could have one but we have three dogs, two birds, bugs and a few fish. Also I live a little to far away to get one.
I see you love the civil war well so do I. Come and see myh blog and do follow me:)
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